Spiritual Growth Study Groups
Resulting in SOUL Growth

Spiritual Growth Study Groups
Resulting in SOUL Growth

The Tabernacle as a Model for Meditation
2015 Kingston Workshop Notes by Samuel Dancey, M.Acu
Complete Brilliant Article Coming Soon!
During this workshop we will be looking at the tabernacle as a model for meditation. What this statement actually means will become clearer the further along with this we go.
The tabernacle itself will be seen as a model of the human body which we will verify using both the Edgar Cayce readings and the Bible. So in this workshop, we are looking at the Tabernacle, not on its physical, literal level, we are looking at the Tabernacle more specifically on a symbolic level.
In other words, each article, each divisions of the structure, the 12 tribes of Israel who camped around it, and the daily processes that took place there, are symbolic of some aspect or function within the human body, especially as it pertains to meditation.
We will further verify this by looking at Chinese medicine, namely acupuncture. We will see that the energy body as it is understood in the orient, or the aura as it is understood in the west, actually has a pattern that appears very similar to the tabernacle as found in the Old Testament of the Bible.
Now if I have been successful with this presentation, participants should come away with a greater awareness of these major points-
One, the tabernacle is a pattern of the human body.
Two, the tabernacle has a duplicate in the body’s energy or aura system.
Three, that this tabernacle is intimately associated with meditation and the movement of energy.
Four, that the Bible can be read on a number different levels beyond the literal, historic one as is usually understood by the church and its members.
The Tabernacle As A Model For

The tabernacle was a tent constructed by Moses and the people of Israel in the wilderness. The tribes of Israel have left Egypt and are wandering in the desert, which they will do for the next 40 years.
The details for the tabernacles construction were given to Moses by God. There were very specific details given concerning the size, shape, materials to be used and orientation of furniture and structure. (even where the tribes of Israel were to camp). As mentioned a moment ago, all of this is to be interpreted symbolically. The tabernacle became a focal point for the many thousands of Israelis sprawled across the wilderness.
Edgar Cayce said that the Bible can be read on a number of levels. The literal (historic) level is only one level of many. The following Edgar Cayce psychic reading is talking about the Book of the Revelation specifically, but it can apply to all scripture. It is particularly relevant to the Tabernacle.
For those you here who have had previous discussions with me on religion vs spirituality, we could say that religion interprets scripture on a one dimensional level, while spirituality interprets it on a multidimensional level. Today we are attempting to show another dimension to the Bible, by using the Tabernacle and meditation as the model.

The tabernacle was not a permanent structure, it was a tent that could be moved to a new location when the people of Israel moved to a new place.
This diagram also shows the placement of the holy furniture within the tabernacle.
The red line indicated the Veil which separated the holy place and the holy of holies.
It was this veil in the temple of Jerusalem that was torn into two pieces at the moment of Jesus’s death on the cross. He had previously made the statement that he would tear down the temple and rebuild it in three days.
Everyone thought He was crazy, since it had taken 40 years to build. It was later understood that he was referring to the temple of His body which was raised from the dead in three days.
This is further evidence that the body is the temple (tabernacle), as the temple in Jerusalem at the time of Jesus was a pattern of the tabernacle. This is demonstrated in the next slide.

For purposes of our discussion, it is important to note that the tabernacle, temple and sanctuary were all of the same pattern.
Here it can be seen that Solomon’s Temple was structured after the same pattern as the tabernacle. You can see the same red line for the veil that we were just discussing.
The Sea of bronze was a replacement for the laver, although there were several smaller lavers within the temple.
The Sea was 15 feet wide with a circumference of 45 feet. It was believed it could hold 27 thousand gallons of water. Perhaps this is why it was called a “Sea.”
Solomon’s Temple was built in 957 BC and was destroyed in 586 BC by the conquering Babylonians. It was rebuilt a number of times and was finally destroyed by the Romans in the year 70 AD.
The only visible remains of it today is the “Wailing Wall,” in Jerusalem.

The furniture in the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies were all made of pure gold.
In the court, both the laver and the Altar were made of bronze and were the only major pieces of furniture in the tabernacle not made of pure gold.
The laver was for the priests to wash and purify themselves during their duties in the tabernacle.
The Altar of Sacrifice was for animal offerings to God. For example: among the various types of sacrifices, there was the sin offering for the forgiveness of sin.
The repentant person would bring a lamb to the tabernacle and it would be killed, or sacrificed, on the altar. The animal was to be the very best from their flock, not some old disease rattled beast that was about to die anyway.
By bringing the very best animal, you were making a financial sacrifice as well as a repentance. This, of course, is were we get the expression, “Jesus, the lamb of God who died for our sins.”

These are the articles from the Holy Place.
The seven candlesticks, the incense altar and the table of the bread of presence of God.
Once an animal sacrifice had been made on the Altar, the blood from the animal would be sprinkled on these articles of furniture as a means of purification.
The seven candlesticks is, of course, the first Jewish menorah.

The inner most area of the Tabernacle was called the holy of holies. It was the place that housed the Ark of the covenant and it was here were God was said to reside.
The Ark and the presence of God were the reason for the existence of the Tabernacle itself. All the other vessels, all the ritual, all the sacrifices and ministering by the priests, were done in reference to the Ark and the presence of God.
Placed inside the Ark was a pot of manna, Aarons, rod and the 10 commandments that God had carved onto tablets of stone. The Mercy seat was a type of lid to cover the Ark and it is where Moses sat to talk to God.
For those of you who remember the movie, “Raiders of the Lost Ark”, with Harrison Ford, will recognize that this is the Ark that they were pursuing.
The Ark is believed to have been a huge capacitor and capacitors have a tendency to gather electricity. This may explain why the Ark is often associated with flashes of lightning.
The Bible gives several accounts of people who died when they touched it. Jewish tradition has it that when the High Priest entered into the holy of holies, he had a rope tied round his leg in the event that he didn’t make it out alive they could safely pull his corpse out.
The Ark was believed to be covered with more than a ton of gold. If you look at those flimsy poles attached to it, it is not very likely that they had to ability to carry it without breaking.
There is a Jewish tradition that the Ark was able to levitate and there are a number of scriptures in the Bible that seem to suggest that this may have been true. (See Joshua 4:18 as an example)
In fact, the word “levitation” may have come from the word “Levi,” the tribe responsible for carrying the Ark.

I would like to draw your attention to the Edgar Cayce reading on this slide.
It is giving a very brief indication of the meaning of the tabernacle. (Read the reading) It is this Edgar Cayce reading that verifies that the tabernacle is a symbolic pattern of the human.
The diagram above, on the left, is trying to portray the tabernacle on a more understandable model. Each of those three divisions of body, mind and soul has a mental level associated with it.
Consciousness is found in the body and it is this level of the mind that we use in this world.
The subconscious mind is below the surface and we encounter it mostly at night while dreaming.
Cayce tells us that the subconscious becomes the conscious mind for the soul when we die.
The Superconscious mind is a deep level still in the presence of God. We should think of ourselves as an inverted iceberg – the larger part of us is below the surface.
We don’t incidentally just have a soul – we are a soul who has temporarily projected ourselves into a physical body.
Edgar Cayce dreamed that he was as a tiny grain of sand floating and swirling in space, caught up in ever increasing circles. When he reached the higher, wider circles of the spirit he could read the akashic records.
The word Akasha comes from Sanskrit and means boundless space. It is the Book of Life and is a record or storehouse of every act, deed, word or feeling of every individual who ever lived.
It was Edgar Cayce’s ability to read this record that gave him his remarkable ability. He also said that we all could develop the ability to read it if we so desired.a

In reference to Cayce’s view that the tabernacle is a representation of our bodies, this is also confirmed in the Bible.
If the priests who served in the tabernacle were serving a copy or shadow of the heavenly temple, and if our bodies are that temple, then the tabernacle is a copy or shadow of our body.
This is the basic premise of this entire workshop. The Tabernacle is our body.

Moses would enter into the holy of holies and sit on the mercy seat and talked to God.
When he came out his face shone of a light so bright the people of Israel could not look at him and they became afraid.
Now, if our bodies are the tabernacle, and if Moses went within the tabernacle to talk to God, is it possible for us to enter into our tabernacles and also talk to God.
The Edgar Cayce readings say yes! The means to do so is through deep meditation.
The practice of meditation is intimately connected to the seven spiritual centers located at the seven endocrine glands.
Edgar Cayce said that the endocrine glands, the spiritual centers, were points in the body where the physical, mental and spiritual meet. We just saw the Cayce reading that said the tabernacle is where the body, mind and soul also meets.
Some people have suggested that the seven candlesticks in the tabernacle seems to be a logical symbol for the seven spiritual centers and on some level this is very likely the case.
But, I think the seven spiritual centers play a much bigger role in the Tabernacle.

On this slide I have superimposed the tabernacle over the human body showing the endocrine glands. When we do this there are a couple of important points to observe.
1……At each division of the tabernacle, there is a corresponding body cavity. There are three major body cavities – cranial cavity, thoracic cavity, abdominal cavity. In other words, these cavities seem to correspond to the court ( abdominal cavity), holy place (thoracic cavity) and holy of holies (cranial cavity).
2…….The seven endocrine glands are located in these cavities and they seem to sit in the approximate position of the tabernacle furniture. This is not 100% accurate, but we are not dealing with an exact science, we are dealing with symbolism.

Edgar Cayce gave a large number of readings on the Book of the Revelation and much of this information is about the endocrine glands and role they play in our spiritual development.
This is a chart showing the seven endocrine glands and some correlations to color, elements, the Lord’s Prayer and the planets that are found in those readings.
The column on the right was added by me to show some possible connections to the stages of entering the tabernacle and the 7 endocrine glands.

The energy body is sometimes called the FINER physical body or aura body. When the body is healthy, the aura is full, bright and colorful. When we are sick, its appearance is dull and weak.
This can be seen with Kirlian photography which takes pictures of the human aura and this slide has a couple of examples.
Some people seem to have the ability to see the aura with just the naked eye. I had the opportunity to see and use the auras-cope, designed by Edgar Cayce in the readings. It was at a lecture by Sidney Kirkpatrick in Ottawa last October. I could actually see someone’s aura. Very exciting!
Edgar Cayce said that our diet should consist of 80% fresh fruits and vegetables. When you eat a piece of lettuce, for example, you are absorbing the minerals, vitamins, enzymes etc., but you are also absorbing the life force from that plant and adding it to your own.
Breathing and exercise also replenish the life force.
If you eat processed foods such as potato chips, soft drinks or even KD you are absorbing products that may have small amounts of nutrition, but are probably 100% devoid of this life force. If you are not replenishing it, you will eventually become sick and run down.
The finer physical body may be best explained in the analogy of – steam, water, ice. Steam is vibrating at a higher rate than water or ice, or put differently, steam is a finer form of water or ice.
Likewise, the finer physical body (e.g. steam) is just a finer, or higher rate of vibration than the more dense physical body (ice).
This workshop is discussing the energy tabernacle.
Questions so far?

Chinese medicine has been aware of this energy body for thousands of years.
A western medical doctor studies the body’s physical anatomy. The Chinese physician studies the body’s energy patterns, its pathways, rivers and streams of flowing energy.
The Chinese acupuncturist also studies the acupuncture points, their location and their function. This energy is called Chi, sometimes called the life force, and is a finer form of the physical body.
The chi energy flows in well defined pathways, and its movement can become blocked. It is the job of the acupuncturist to move, or manipulate energy from locations that are over abundant to areas where it is lacking.
There are 12 main pathways of energy movement called Meridians, which are either Yin or Yang in quality and they are bilateral.
There are 365 acu-points on the 12 Main meridians. There are also many, many more vessels that flow between meridians and connect the meridians together.
Hint: The tabernacle sat in the wilderness surrounded by 12 tribes of Israel and the energy tabernacle is a function in the body which is surrounded by 12 meridians of acupuncture.

To understand any of this, it is necessary to understand a little about the philosophy behind Chinese medicine. They were tireless observers of nature, conscious of the ever recurring changes from night to day, season to season, life to death.
These continuous changes were guided by the TAO (pronounced Dow) – a Chinese idea close to God in the west. Tao means infinite origin, that from which flows all that exists.
From the Tao emanates the dual principles of yin and yang. All change ais the result of the rhythmic interchange between yin and yang.
Day changes to night, night changes to day. Everything changes from a passive stage to an active phase back to a passive one.
Yin is the cold, dark, passive and negative stage. Yang is the warm, bright, active and positive. (Not Good and evil – poles of a battery are not good or evil) Each depends on the other for survival.
The human body is divided into yin and yang regions. The upper parts are yang because they are closest to the great yang, the heavens. The lower regions are yin because they are closest to the earth, the great yin. The front and inner regions are yin, while the back and outer regions are yang.
Even the internal organs are divided along yin and yang. The mostly solid organs (heart, kidneys, lungs, spleen and liver) are yin, while the mostly hollow organs (large intestine, bladder, stomach, small intestines and gall bladder) are yang.
At the core of the yin/yang balance in the body is what the Chinese call “Ch’I” energy – the most basic form of energy – the energy which we have been discussing. It is this energy that flows through the organs of the body and along the meridians. This energy is the most significant difference between western and Chinese medicine.
Western medicine is preoccupied with the physical body and its chemical reactions – used to explain everything. It studies the body and its anatomy.
The Chinese physician studies the body’s energies, which consist of rivers and streams of well defined energy patterns and acupuncture points.

These are examples of meridians with a series of acupuncture points.
So, what is an acupuncture point? For one, it is a small spot on the skin that has very low resistance to electricity.
Water carries electricity very well, which is why we don’t swim during a thunder storm. In other words, water has very low resistance to electricity.
Glass or rubber have very high resistance to electricity, which why we wear rubber gloves if we are handling anything that might give us an electrical shock.
Everything has varying levels of resistance to electricity. An acupuncture point has, like water, a lower resistance to electric currents than the rest of the skin. Because of this, they can use modern electronic tools to measure acu-points, by measuring resistance.
They use this same idea to locate the points.
While we can’t see the Ch’I energy, acupuncture points can be proven to exist by these modern electronics. Each of the acupuncture points is connected to an internal organ or specific place in the organ.
For instance, there is a point on the Ear that is connected to the thumb. At a certain school of acupuncture they would demonstrate to their students how acu-points are connected to remote areas of the body by locating this point on the ear and gently touching it with a probe.
There would be no discomfort in doing so. They would then bring out a thumb screw and place it on the thumb. They tighten it until the thumb became sore and they then again would place the probe on the thumb point on the ear.
The student would now grimace and jerk their head back because the point was now painful to touch. When the thumb screw was removed the ear was again probed and the point’s sensitivity had returned to normal. Acupuncturists use painful points to diagnose where a problem exists in the body.
For example, if an acupuncture point on the Small Intestine meridian is painful, there may be a problem with the small intestine.
In the Small Intestine Meridian of Hand - Taiyang meridian, (slide on the right) the numbering starts at the little finger and counts up the arm toward the shoulder, which gives us the direction of the energy’s movement.
Because we can electronically test and verify the points, this is the only real evidence we have that the meridians really exist, other than the fact that acupuncture works.
They were tireless observers of nature, conscious of the ever recurring changes from night to day, season to season, life to death.
These continuous changes were guided by the TAO (pronounced Dow) – a Chinese idea close to God in the west.
Tao means infinite origin, that from which flows all that exists. From the Tao emanates the dual principles of yin and yang.
All change is the result of the rhythmic interchange between yin and yang. Day changes to night, night changes to day. Everything changes from a passive stage to an active phase back to a passive one.
Yin is the cold, dark, passive and negative stage. Yang is the warm, bright, active and positive. (Not Good and evil – poles of a battery are not good or evil) Each depends on the other for survival.
The human body is divided into yin and yang regions. The upper parts are yang because they are closest to the great yang, the heavens. The lower regions are yin because they are closest to the earth, the great yin. The front and inner regions are yin, while the back and outer regions are yang.
Even the internal organs are divided along yin and yang. The mostly solid organs (heart, kidneys, lungs, spleen and liver) are yin, while the mostly hollow organs (large intestine, bladder, stomach, small intestines and gall bladder) are yang.
At the core of the yin/yang balance in the body is what the Chinese call “Ch’I” energy – the most basic form of energy – the energy which we have been discussing. It is this energy that flows through the organs of the body and along the meridians.
This energy is the most significant difference between western and Chinese medicine.
Western medicine is preoccupied with the physical body and its chemical reactions – used to explain everything. It studies the body and its anatomy.
The Chinese physician studies the body’s energies, which consist of rivers and streams of well defined energy patterns and acupuncture points.

Meridians are bi-lateral, they are on both sides of the body. Which means that those 365 acupuncture points are actually 365 X 2.
The heart meridian has a pathway of acupuncture points on both the right and the left arm.
The Heart meridian starts its flow of energy internally at the area of the heart itself, exits near the armpit and flows down the inside of the arm and ends at the little finger.
As was mentioned a moment ago, this means that the energy in the heart meridians is flowing down the arm to the fingers. From the little finger the energy goes to the next meridian and flows up the arm to the interior of the body. The energy continually flows through all the meridians night and day – from one meridian to the other. As it does so, the energy changes from Yin to yang and back again.
All meridians have an external section in the skin and an internal section associated with the organ from which it gets it name – all of them with one exception. All of the meridians indicate the direction of energy movement by the direction of the numbering system. The direction that the energy moves will be significant in a few moments and we will discuss this further.

Notice here that the first kidney point is on the foot and you count upwards along the foot and leg. In this Yin meridian, the energy is moving upward from the earth toward the heavens.
The Tabernacle As A
Model For Meditation
Workshop Notes From EEC Fellowship Conference in Kingston May 2015
Workshop Given by Samuel Dancey M.Acu.
Notes for this workshop are available online at www.edgarcayce.ca
The Tabernacle As A Model For
Floor Plan of the Tabernacle
Holy of Holies
Holy Place Seven Candlesticks
Ark of the Covenant Veil
Incense Altar
Table of Bread of Presence
Altar of Burnt Offering
Most Holy
Altar of Sacrifice
Holy Place
Incense Altar
Seven Candlesticks
Table of the Bread of Presence of God
Holy of Holies
Levi - Levitation
Body, Mind and Soul
Superconscious Subconscious
Edgar Cayce Reading:
The entity finds self a body, a mind, a soul. These are the shadows which were indicated in the mount by the outer court (the body), the inner court (the mind) and the more holy of holies (the soul). 2067-1
In referring to priests who served in the tabernacle:
They serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly sanctuary.
Hebrews 8:5 (RSV)
What is the heavenly Sanctuary?
Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s spirit dwells in you. If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him. For God’s temple is holy, and that temple you are. 1 Corinthians 3:16-17
Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God.
You are not you own; you were bought with a price.
So glorify God in your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
For we are the temple of the living God
2 Corinthians 6:16
Introduction to Meditation
If Moses talked to God in the holy of holies, and if the tabernacle is our body, then is it possible for us to talk to God within our own personal tabernacle?
He has promised to meet thee within the temple of thine own body. For as has been given, thy body is the temple of the living God; a tabernacle, yea for thy soul. And in the holy of holies within thine own conscience He may walk and talk with thee. Cayce Reading 987-4
And the assurance comes within thy own self, for His promise is to meet thee in the tabernacle of thy own conscience. For as Jesus said, Lo the kingdom of heaven is within you. Cayce Reading 1348-1
The way to do this is through Meditation?
What is Meditation? It is not musing nor daydream; but as ye find your bodies made up of physical, mental and spiritual, it is attuning of the mental body and the physical body to its spiritual source……… That is true meditation. Cayce Reading 281-41
Prayer is supplication to God and meditation is listening to His answer.
Cayce Reading 2946-6
Meditation is listening to the divine within. Cayce Reading 1861-18
The Seven Spiritual Centers
Tabernacle Superimposed over Body Tabernacle Layout
The Seven Spiritual Centers
Lord’s Prayer
Mercy Seat
Bread of Presence
Sacrificial Altar
Seven Spiritual Centers, Endocrine Seven Chakras
Kirlian Photography
_ .,L...e._.g.
Pronounced “Dow”
Chueh Yin
The Tabernacle Superimposed on the Human Body
The Triple Burning Spaces Graphically Shown on the Human Body
God’s Courtyard
Three Burning Places
*Incense Altar
*Sacrificial Altar
*Fire Outside Camp
Laver – Water Point
Three Burners
Levitical Cities
The 12 Tribes of Israel
(From Edgar Cayce’s Revelation)
Attribute Tribe Physical Attribute
Spiritual (Water)
Light ………………Zabulon………….Digestive Soul………………..Joseph……………Covering Will…………………Benjamin……….Bones
Mental (Fire)
Desire……………..Simeon…………..Organs Choice……………..Levi………………..Glands Conscience………Issachar………….Membranes
Heredity (Air)
Life…………………..Aser……………….Lymph Opportunity……..Napthalim……..Nerves Power………………Manasses……….Elimination
Environment (Earth)
Perpetuation…….Reuben………….Blood Circulation
The 12 Meridians of Chinese Acupuncture
Meridian Chinese Element Attribute
Bladder……………..Water……………Brightness/Light Heart………………...Fire……………….Soul
Kidneys……………..Water………..….Bones/ Will
Small Intestine….Fire…………………Water Absorption Triple Burner…….Fire…………………Energy Production Pericardium………Fire…………………Castle/Protection
Gall Bladder………Wood……………..Judgment Large Intestine….Metal………………Elimination
Lungs…………………Metal………………Energy Circulation Spleen……………….Earth……………….Blood Regulation Stomach……………Earth………………..Energy/Nutrition
Tabernacle Surrounded By 12 Tribes of Israel
Triple Burner Surrounded By 12 Acupuncture Meridians
Manasseh Ephraim
Pericardium Lungs
Gall Bladder Bladder
Small Intestine
Large Intestine Triple Burner
Spleen Liver
Governor Vessel - Sea of Yang - Most External Vessel
Tai Yang BL & SI 2nd Most External Layer Shao Yang TB & GB 3rd Most Yang Layer Yang Ming St & LI 4th Most Yang
Tai Yin Sp & Lu 4th Most Ying Layer Chueh Yin EH & Li 3rd Most Ying Layer Shao Yin He & Ki 2nd Deepest Yin
Conception Vessel Sea of All Yin Most Internal Vessel
The 12 Chinese Meridians of Acupuncture
Meridian Chinese Element Attribute
Governor Vessel
Tai Yang Shao Yang Yang Ming
Tai Yin Cheuh Yin Shao Yin
Conception Vessel
Bladder……………..Water……………Brightness/Light Heart………………...Fire……………….Soul
Kidneys……………..Water………..….Bones/ Will
Small Intestine….Fire…………………Water Absorption Triple Burner…….Fire…………………Energy Production Pericardium………Fire…………………Castle/Protection
Gall Bladder………Wood……………..Judgment
Large Intestine….Metal………………Elimination
Lungs…………………Metal……………Energy Circulation Spleen……………….Earth……………….Blood Regulation Stomach……………Earth………………..Energy/Nutrition
Sea of All Yang – the Heavens Sea of All Yin – the Earth
Microcosmic Orbit
Meditation Symbol
Star of David
Flag of Israel
Meditation Symbol
LI – Chinese
Symbol for Fire
= Tao
Kan – Chinese Symbol for Water
Flag of South Korea
God =
Waa Maa
Chee Action
= Creativity God in
Seal of the Southern Ute Tribe
Meditation Symbols
A Triangle is
comprised of 3 Lines
A Trigram is
comprised of 3 Lines
An Arrow is
comprised of 3 lines
Fire and Water Fire and Water
Triangle points toward either Heaven or Earth
Trigram moves toward either Heaven or Earth
Arrow points toward either Heaven or Earth
Secret Sign for God Creation of Tao God
Creates Word for God
Integrated into Israeli Flag
Integrated into South Korean Flag
Integrated directly
into Their Language
I n:&. !-la.,•- ·
flL ' '
" ' l ,
( .
. .
- -·· .··. ·..·.· ...... ' . . :.
' ' .
A Monthly Energy Cycle
Cycle Moving Moving Biological
1 – 7 Tai Yin Yang Ming Ovulation
7 -14 Chueh Yin Shao Yin Tubal
14 -21 Shao Yin Tai Yang Pre-menstrual
21 -28 Conception Governor Menstruation
Vessel Vessel /Conception
Transformer and Schematic
Question: Why did Jesus say, “Touch me not,” when he first appeared to Mary
after the resurrection?
Edgar Cayce: For the vibrations to which the glorified body was raised would have been the same as a physical body touching a high power current. Why do you say do not touch the wire? If you are in accord, or not in touch with the earth, it doesn’t harm; otherwise, it’s too bad! 262-87
The Finer Physical Body
Seven Chakras Energy Tabernacle 12 Meridians Kundalini
Micro-Cosmic Orbit
Christian Church Tabernacle
Keeping Your Aura Healthy
Acupuncture and Other Energy Based Medicines
Attuning – Meditation and Prayer
Deep Breathing Exercises
Diet – Fresh Living Foods
Notes for this Workshop can be found
online at: www.edgarcayce.ca