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'Spirituality and Sexuality~Insights from the Edgar Cayce Material' by Mark W. Finnan

Writer's picture: LarryLarry

Updated: Jul 4, 2020

From the perspective of the Edgar Cayce readings, if we wish to gain an in-depth knowledge of ourselves and a balanced and healthy awareness of the role sexuality plays in our lives, we need to first accept and work with the premise that we were initially created as spiritual beings possessing free will and limitless creative ability.

As one relevant reading stated “ In man’s analysis and understanding of himself it is well to know from whence he came as to know whither he is going…..Each soul that enters, then, must have had an impetus from the beginning that is of the Creative Energy, or of a First Cause. What then was or is the First Cause? The First Cause was that the created would be the companion for the Creator.” (5753-1). So, what does knowing where we came from have to do with our sexuality?

In elaborating on the Biblical story of creation, the Cayce source tells us that many of us deviated from God’s plan, First Cause, and choose to go our own way. In exploring the limitless realms of creation we encountered the material realm, became attracted to and began to interact with the numerous animate life forms here on earth, which were in the process of evolving according to their own laws. Our desire to engage with these physical manifestations led us into experiencing sexuality. We became so involved in this activity that we not only created distortions, we became more densely immersed in materiality and in the process lost both the awareness of and the abilities associated with our original identity as spiritual beings.

At this point, according to the Cayce material, the first of the spiritual creations, referred to as the Christ being, accompanied by others who had remained true to the First Cause, freely choose to enter into materiality to help free us from our physical entrapment. In concert with the universal Creative Forces they evolved a new body, the Adamic body, such as we now inhabit. It was designed to be the physical means in and by which we, as souls still involved in earthly existence, could learn to attune to and reconnect with our divine origins. The same energy centres involved in maintaining physical life, the seven endocrine glands, also function as the means of awakening us to spiritual consciousness.

The story of Adam and Eve, representative of the second fall from a state of spiritual awareness, tells of choices made that kept us enthralled by sensual desire and experience. Sexuality and sexual expression remained part of the soul’s experience in these new bodies, resulting in our journeying, through many earthly lives, lessons learned and progress made, in our efforts as seekers to get back in touch with our celestial selves.

In continuing with the timeless task of teaching us how to raise our consciousness and spiritualise our lives here on earth, the Cayce source advises that we seek attunement through the practise of prayer and meditation. At the same time we are encouraged to set an ideal, a standard of thought and behaviour which, when consistently applied in the everyday circumstances of our lives, keeps us more firmly focused on the spiritual path. While the ideal each individual sets for himself or herself may vary one from another, the common factor, repeated often in the Cayce readings, should be its ability to foster a greater expression of the ‘fruits of the spirit’, such as loving kindness, patience, compassion, gentleness, hope, faith and generousity.

In developing these attributes we must also give practical expression to them, deepening our understanding in the process of creating a harmonious interaction between the spiritual and the physical. This we can do by using the mind’s creative ability, through thought and intention, to purposefully bridge that divide. At some point this entails addressing and progressively working with our sexual nature from a spiritual perspective, something each of us must do if we would fulfill our purpose here on earth. The Cayce material encourages us to accept and express our sexuality, less motivated by any desire for self-gratification or self-aggrandizement and more by consideration for the wellbeing and welfare of others.

In his discourses from the level of Universal Consciousness and in answers to various questions posed to him on the subject, Cayce warned of the dangers the misuse of sex presents for each of us. However, the primary focus is on the positives contained within our sexuality, which is presented not only as a natural expression of the bodily forces for the purpose of procreation and the bringing of other souls into the world, but also essential to our individual growth, health, creative expression and spiritual development.

In answering one such query he answered “(The sex organs are) the centres through which all creative energies, whether mental or spiritual, find their inception in a material world for an expression. As has been given, when the force in sex is raised in its inception through the mental forces of the body, this finds expression in that of giving love influence in the life or lives of the individual, as well as that which may be brought into being as a gratification of a physical desire…For there is no soul but what the sex life becomes the greater influence in the life. Not as always in the gratification in the physical act, but rather that that finds expression in the creative forces and creative abilities of the body itself.”(911-2).

In keeping with the compassionate and non-judgemental nature of the material, individuals who came to Cayce for advice on sexual issues were told that intent and motivation were what matter more than anything else. They were encouraged to balance and normalize their sexual activity, taking an integrative, holistic approach involving mind and spirit.

To a woman suffering from anxiety about her sexual desires he advised “By the creating of a normal balance within the body for its physical and mental and spiritual well-being, we not only create a normal physical balance but then give….an outlet for the beauty of sex. Do not look upon sex as merely a physical expression. There is a physical expression that is beauty within itself, if it is considered from that angle; but when the mental and the spiritual are guiding, then the outlet for beauty becomes a more normal expression of a normal, healthy body.” (1436-1).

While acknowledging that sexual activity was the basis of what is referred to as original sin, Cayce points out that misinterpretation and misunderstanding has too often led to culturally and religiously inherited feelings of guilt and self-condemnation. Such feelings are not conducive to developing a normal and healthy sexual life, and need to be countered with the knowledge that it is the control of our sexuality through the application of spiritual intent and purpose that is required. As with all other aspects of our lives here on earth, the only sin is selfishness. Persistent misuse of this life force eventually becomes destructive to ourselves and others.

Not surprisingly, we are cautioned against establishing sexual relations based on physical attraction or material considerations alone, as these are not the basis on which to establish a purposeful and enduring partnership. “(Sexual relations) should be the outcome-not the purpose of, but the outcome of the answering of soul to soul in their associations…Know that Love and God are One; that relations in the sexual life are the manifestations in the mental attributes of each…For, unless such associations become on such a basis, they become vile in the experience of those who join in such relations.” (272-7).

The readings emphasise that relationship between the sexes offers many opportunities for personal growth and spiritual development and that in the matter of seeking a partner the choice should be based on shared spiritual ideals, mental outlook, interests and compatibility.

Since disagreements about sexual interaction remain a common source of discord in relationships, the counsel given in this Cayce reading on the need for discussion and mutual agreement is as relevant today as it was when first given “….But as should be for every individual, there should be agreement between those individuals in such (sex) relationships and only when there is such should there be the relationships. For the lack of such agreements brings more discordant notes between individuals than any portion of relationships with the opposite sex. The disagreements may be slight at times, but they grow.”(4082-1)

As we put into practice the process of spiritualising our sexual desires we not only create the possibility of deepening and enriching the relationship, we also engage with the process of transformation, of raising the creative life force from the lower to the higher centers, so essential to healing, self-realization and reunion with our divine self.

So the philosophy in the Cayce material, of which only a brief overview is presented here, has much to offer in helping us establish a meaningful balance between the spiritual and the physical, if we wish to acquire our measure of happiness and self-fulfillment in life. In parallel with eastern esoteric teachings related to sexuality and spirituality, the Cayce readings offer a contemporary take on the issue, emphasising the need to use this God given creative energy in ways that enhance and enrich our lives and the lives of others. When our intimate relationship with another is infused with and conditioned by spiritual attributes and expression it can lead to the awareness of a more expansive and transformational relationship involving the Creative Forces of the universe.

In this sense we become true soul help-mates, one to another. In the words of Paramahansa Yogananda, “Droplets of love sparkle in true souls, but in spirit alone is found the sea of love. To expect perfection in human love is folly, unless one seeks to perfect that love by feeling within it God’s love.”

Mark W. Finnan



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